Monday, March 13, 2017


                           COURSE 7(a): PEDAGOGY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE
                                                      (Part - I Methodology)

UNIT I Aims and objectives of teaching Computer Science
Computer Science: Meaning, nature and scope – Aims and objectives of
teaching Computer Science in schools – Need and significance of teaching Computer
Science–Values of teaching Computer Science.

UNIT II Planning for Instruction
Steps in planning a lesson: Setting lesson goals – Designing a unit plan –
Designing a lesson plan – Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives - Formulating
Instructional objectives at cognitive, affective and psychomotor levels – Structure of a
four-fold lesson plan – Preparation of a model lesson plan – Types of test-items –
Constructing test-items for formative evaluation in class.

UNIT III Practising the Teaching Skills in Computer Science
Meaning of teaching – Understanding major teaching skills: Introducing,
explaining, questioning, varying the stimulus, non-verbal cues, reinforcement and
fluency in communication – Practising a mini-lesson with multiple teaching skills (for
20 minutes)- Observation and feedback on the practice of integration of teaching skills
– Understanding major steps in teaching a mini lesson: Motivation, presentation,
interaction, reflection and summing up – Practising mini-lesson (for 20 minutes)-
Observation and feedback on mini- teaching.
UNIT IV Methods of Teaching Computer Science
Teacher-centered methods: Lecture method - Demonstration method
- Teamteaching.Learner-centered methods: Laboratory method - project method –
Peer tutoring/teaching by students - Individual activities - experiential learning, -
Teacher - guided learning - problem-solving method - Small group/whole-class
interactive learning. Student seminar - group discussion – mixed-ability grouping.
Recent trends in teaching:Constructivist learning- Problem-based learning - Brainbased
learning – Collaborative learning - Flipped learning - Blended learning -
e-Learning trends- Video conferencing.

UNIT V Resources for Teaching Computer Science
Print resources: Newspapers –Journals - Magazines - Computer Science
encyclopedias. Audio resources: Radio talk - audio tapes- DVDs /CDs.
Visual resources: Pictures – charts –posters - photos - graphs - flash cards - models.
ICT resources: Radio - TV – Internet – multimedia - interactive whiteboard.
Community resources: Fieldtrips - Computer Science exhibition/fair – Computer
Science Laboratory – Computer Science Resource Centre – Computer Science Club-
Qualities of a good Computer Science textbook - Qualities of a Computer Science

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