Monday, March 13, 2017

Unit-1 Notes- Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Computer Science

Unit I
Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Computer Science
Computer Science: Meaning
Ø  The science that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the design of computer hardware and software, and the applications of computers.
Ø  The study of computers and how they can be used.
Ø  The study of computation and computer technology, hardware, and software.
Ø  The study of computers and their architecture, languages, and applications, in all aspects, as well as the mathematical structures that relate to computers and computation.
Computer Science: Definitions
            1.The study of computing, programming, and computation in correspondence with computer systems. This field of study utilizes theories on how computers work to design, test, and analyze concepts. Computer science usually has a stronger mathematical foundation than a scientific one and on some occasions may not focus directly on computers and their systems.
            2.The study of computers,  including both hardware and software design. Computer science is composed of many broad disciplines, including artificial intelligence and software engineering. Most universities now offer bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees in computer science.
            3.Computer science is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. It is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications and the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.
The Nature of Computer Science
            A distinguishing characteristic of computer science is the enormous gap that exists between the simple instruction sets of our computers and the complexity of useful software. This dichotomy produces intellectual challenges of the highest order. Today many important applications contains several million lines of code, too many for one person to read in a year and impossible for one person to fully understand. VLSI chips are now being manufactured containing more than one hundred million transistors, again posing an almost impossible problem for human comprehension.
The nature of computer science
During the few decades that computer science has been identied as a separate discipline, the question of the intellectual nature of the subject has frequently been posed.
            It is clear that there are components of computer science that could be viewed as subfields of mathematics or engineering. Indeed, competent work in theoretical computer science meets rigorous mathematical standards, and competent work in applied computer science meets the standards of good-quality engineering work (prototypes are built, proof-of-concept projects are conducted, and results are evaluated on the basis of their usefulness in practice). The open question is the extent to which the remaining parts of computer science can be viewed as science. To study this question is not necessarily to engage in sterile debate: it may be, for example, that the field is not yet a science, but that it could become one, and that certain policy changes could accelerate this process.
Computer science is, or has the potential to be, a science similar in character to physics and the other natural sciences. However, its traditions, in the areas of experimentation and formulation of theories, may delay its acceptance and inhibit its development (as a science).
Certain characteristics of computer interaction can make computers well suited for distance learning. The features listed below the prospect of the computer use look more promising:
1)Access to expert and respected peers.
2)One to One and much communication.
3)Active learner participations.
4)Linking of new learning to concrete on the job problems.
5)Follow up, feedback and implementation support from pears or experts.
6)Self direction control over stop or start, time, pace and place of learning or communication activity.
            A computer is used in all human life. It has revolutionized all phases of human activities. The most important have been given as follows:-
1)Routine job handling :
the routine classical and stenotype jobs calculating and formality bits, salaries, updating stocks, tax return, reservation records and information.
2)Traffic control:
Controlling traffic, traffic lights. Television cameras are used to maintain traffic light routine.
3)Electronic money:
Automic tellers machine (ATM) is very common in banks. You can deposit and withdraw money with the ATM.
4)Electronic office:
All type information are stored, manipulated and utilized in the electronic form. A document is sent to different place with FAX, internet and e-mail.
5)Industrial Application:
It plays an important role in production control. It is bringing efficiency it trade and industry.
With help computerized telephone through satellites STD and IST services have been introduced. It maintains the record of calls and does the billing for you.
Every type of trade computer is used successfully. It is used in Banks, stock exchanges to control stocks and accounts.
8)Scientific research:In every science, the research work becomes economical from time, energy, money point of new. A large data is analyzed very quickly.
There is wide use in medical science e. g. ECG, CAT scan, Ultra sound. The proper and accounts diagnosis is done with the help of computer. The medical apparatus are controlling computerized.
10)Space Science:
The satellite controlling I the space with the help of computer. The information’s are collected by using the computer from the space satellite.
11)Publication:,The composing work is done speedily and economical with the help of computer. The designing work is also done by computer. The quality is maintained is publication by computer.
The computer is used for sending message example printer, FAX, e-mail, Internet. The import and export work is done on internet.
13)Film industry:
It had influenced film industry such as animation; titeling etc.The multimedia approach is used in film production with the help of computer. The cartoon films are developed by computers.
The computer is widely used in the field of education and independent study field of computer science has developed which is popular these days. At every stage computer is compulsory. The distance education is using computer for instructional purpose as multimedia approach. The computer makes teacher learning process effecting by involving audio and visual sense of learners.

            One cannot teach the subject unless he is very clear about the aims and values of teaching that particular subject. The aims are considered as the final goal. They are the final product which we attain after having gone through the objectives and the out come of which is known as value. Objectives are the guiding steps and only through which one can attain this aim or final goal. Objectives are measurable. They are the basis through which the long term product the aim can be reached.

 The following are some of the chief aims and objectives of teaching basic computer science at the primary level. They are
(i) Arousing and maintaining interest
(ii) Developing the habits of observations exploration, classification and a systematic way of thinking
(iii) Developing the child’s power of manipulation and so on.
 In addition to the above, the following aims and objectives should be included at the middle school stage:
(1) Developing the ability to reach generalizations and to apply them for solving everyday problems.
(ii) Understanding the Impact of computer science on our way of life.
(iii) Developing interest in hobbies related to computer’s their generations and so on.
 (I) To familiarize the pupil with the world in which he is living and to make him understand the Impact of computer science on society so as to enable him to adjust himself to the environments.
(ii) To develop scientific attitude which Includes (a) A desire for accurate knowledge, (b) Belief in cause and effect (c) Critical thinking (d) intellectual honesty open mindedness and so on.
(iii) To give the students a historical perspectives, so that they may understand the evolution of computers and development in computers etc.
            Technology has struggled to find its way into the classroom in all sorts of ways, from projectors and televisions to computer labs and student laptops. Along with improving the way students are taught, it is also vitally important that students learn to use computers to improve their own work and prepare for careers in a world where computers have become as common as the pencil and paper.
Modernizing Education
Education has benefited from the inclusion of technology and computers by making it easier for students to keep up while helping teachers by improving the way lessons can be planned and taught. Students who use computers learn to use word processors for work, and subsequently they learn computer jargon and strengthen grammatical skills. Students can also look up lessons on websites or through email rather than lugging heavy textbooks with them every day.
Improving Student Performance
Students who use computers have been shown to attend school more steadily and perform better than students who do not use computers. Along with getting higher grades on exams, students also stated they felt more involved with their lessons and work if they used a computer. Using computers gets students to become more focused on their work at home, in collaborative projects with other students and on their own.
Learning Job Skills
Computers play a vital role in the modern business world, and many of even the most basic jobs involve technology and computers. Teaching students how to use computers helps them prepare for any number of possible careers, and classes based on computer education can get even more specific. Many classes teach students to use office suite programs, create presentations and data sheets, and learn any number of programming languages such as C++ or Java.
Computers make the learning process a lot more simple and efficient, giving students access to tools and methods of communication unavailable offline. For example, students can check their grades or lesson plans online, and also communicate directly with their teachers via email or educational platforms such as Blackboard. Students can also send work to their teachers from home or anywhere else, letting them finish work outside the constraints of school hours and teaching them about procrastination and personal responsibility.
Technology has made research far easier than in the past. Decades ago, students learned history by going to the library and thumbing through history books and encyclopedias. Today, many of those same books are available in digital format and can be accessed online. As the Internet has grown, so too has the available research options. Students can research topics in minutes rather than the hours it used to take.
             The real importance of the subject in our modern life can be quite obvious from Its chief values which are described below.
Practical Value
 Utilization of the various facts drawn from the study of computer science in modern life has revolutionized our life. To day we cannot find even a single thing which is left untouched by the hands of computer. Uses of computers in transportation and communication have shortened the world.In short, computers have become a part and parcel of our life and without them, it is impossible for us to keep ourselves alive in the modern world.
Social Value
             Computers have achieved the best place in the society as well. They form the
foundations of so many professions like medicine, Engineers etc. Computers are highly helpful to the society. Lots and lots of social changes have taken place after the introduction computers. The study of computer science develops in us honesty, truthfulness and critical reasoning, objective thinking and a belief in basic facts.
Disciplinary Value
             The learning of computer science involves some scientific disciplines and scientific attitudes which are transferable to our later life also. It involves self-expression, creativeness open mindedness, critical thinking and observation suspended judgment  which are free from superstitious and false beliefs etc. These good habits if they are once developed in a child can prove beneficial for his later life also.
Cultural Value
             The role of computers in the development of modem civilization can be quite
obvious just by our comparison with our ancestors. Our present culture and advancement in our standard of living gives a clear cut picture of our cultural development and role of computers in this field for removing old traditional beliefs and superstitions. Computers has proved itself as In best helper in overhauling the consciousness of the universe.  So at the end, from the above mentioned values of computer science, we come to this conclusion that computer science has achieved a most important place in our daily life as well as in the modern establishment of the whole world.

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