Monday, March 13, 2017

UNIT III notes-Practising the Teaching Skills in Computer Science

Practising the Teaching Skills in Computer Science

            Teaching involves showing, telling and demonstrating an information, knowledge or skill which is unknown to the observer, hearer or follower. In a broad sense, teaching implies everything that needs to be learnt from a mentor.
            Teaching is a systemic enquiry about the ultimate realities in the universe. It is a study of general principles and understanding of all that comes in the range of human experiences
There are two type of teaching
1.Formal-Which is systemic deliberate direct and consciously impart by specially .
2.Informal-it is teaching one get the outside of class room.

Definition of Teaching:
            Teaching is a social process, to define it is very difficult, because the teaching influenced by the political and social backgrounds of the country. Hence, just try for it , after reading all the definitions. There are so many educationists, complimented their definitions about teaching, Here are some, to keep in mind.

According to Gage, "Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another person."

Edmund Amidon defined it as-" Teaching is an interactive process, primarily involving class room talk which takes place between teacher and pupil and occurs during certain definable activity."

Brubacher," Teaching is an arrangement and manipulation of a situation in which an individual will seek to overcome and from which he will learn in the course of doing so."

Skinner- Teaching is the arrangement of contingencies of reinforcement."

Ryans- "Teaching is concerned with the activities which are concerned with the guidance or direction of the learning of others."

Top 10 Qualities of a Great Teacher
            A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. To be successful, a great teacher must have:
An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style
A great teacher is very engaging and holds the attention of students in all discussions.
Clear Objectives for Lessons
A great teacher establishes clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.
Effective Discipline Skills
A great teacher has effective discipline skills and can promote positive behaviors and change in the classroom.
Good Classroom Management Skills
A great teacher has good classroom management skills and can ensure good student behavior, effective study and work habits, and an overall sense of respect in the classroom.
Good Communication with Parents
A great teacher maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
High Expectations
A great teacher has high expectations of their students and encourages everyone to always work at their best level.
Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards
A great teacher has thorough knowledge of the school's curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
Knowledge of Subject Matter
This may seem obvious, but is sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the material interesting for the students.
Passion for Children and Teaching
A great teacher is passionate about teaching and working with children. They are excited about influencing students' lives and understand the impact they have.
Strong Rapport with Students
A great teacher develops a strong rapport with students and establishes trusting relationships.

Teaching Skills
            Teaching skills are specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in the class room. (Gage 1968). Skill is an act of teaching. (Allen). A teaching skill is a group of teaching acts/ behaviours intended to facilitate pupils learning activity directly or indirectly.
Characteristics of Teaching Skills
 Teaching skills have three basic components perception, cognition and action.
 Teaching skills have three basic dimensions- non verbal behaviour, openness and nature of moves in teaching to which the skill belongs.
Some Teaching Skills
1. The skill of Questioning
2. The skill of Reinforcement.
3. The skill of probing.
4. The skill of explaining.
5. The skill of stimulus variation.,6. The skill of introducing a lesson.,7. The skill of illustrating with examples.
8. The skill of using blackboard.,9. The skill of silence and non verbal cues.
10. The skill of using audio – visual aids.
11. The skill of recognizing attending behaviour.
12. The skill of achieving closure.
1.       Skill of introducing a lesson  Introduction skill is the skill required to begin the teaching – learning process on a good note. The objectives of the skill are to:
         Get students attention & their readiness for learning
         Arouse student’s motivation
         Clearly indicate the learning experience to be provided
         Suggest ways & means of the approaching activity to be done
         Review previous experiences/knowledge & makes its link to the present content/task
Components of introduction skill
Skill components
How to use them
Gaining attention
By using voice, gesture & eye contact.
Use of audio-visual aids.
Changing the pattern of teacher-pupil interaction.
Use of previous knowledge
Previous knowledge refers to the learner’s level of achievements before instruction begins. Use of previous knowledge is a must, because it helps to establish integration between the pre-existing knowledge of the learner and the new knowledge that the teacher wants to impart him.
Use of Appropriate Device
In order to motivate the learner, the teacher should make use of appropriate devices or techniques while introducing a lesson.
       For example- dramatization, models, audio-visual aids etc.
2.        Skill of explaining
This is the skill required to develop understanding & higher order thinking among students. This skill is one of the most important attributes a good teacher must possess.
         Pupils to clarify an issue
         Students to describe process, structures & procedures
         Students to state reasons of events & phenomena
Use of beginning statements
Before starting any explanation, the teacher should make the pupils aware of what he is to teach on that day through a clear beginning statement.
Use of explaining links
This technique is used primarily to explain the links in statements with ‘so’, ‘therefore’, ‘because’, ‘due to’, ‘as a result of’, ‘in order to’ etc.
Use of mediators

Use of concluding statement
This is the statement made at the end of the explanation. It includes the summary of all the main results of the explanation.
Questions to test pupils understandings
These are short questions put to the pupils to test their understanding of the concept after the explanation. The main purpose is simply to judge whether the pupils have understood or not.
Precautions for skill of Explaining:
a)      It should be in simple language.
b)      It should not be given the shape of an advice.
c)       The thoughts included in it should be in a sequence.
d)      Irrelevant things should not be included in it.
e)      It should be according to the age, experience and mental level of the pupils.
3.  Skill of stimulus variation
If the class room environment becomes monotonous, then it puts a negative impact on the teaching & learning process. It is therefore, essential to make the class room environment challenging & interesting such that the teaching –learning process becomes lively, interesting, pleasant & a thought provoking experience. This process of bringing variation in the overall interactive environment of the class with the help of stimuli change is called stimulus variation. It is important because it helps to:
         Break monotony of the class
         Bring variation in presentation
         Bring & maintain attention of pupils
         Make teaching attractive & interesting
         Make teaching effective by using various senses
         Involve students in the teaching-learning process
Components of stimulus variation skill
Teacher movement
The teacher should not be static, he should be moving around the lecture table so that he & the students remain active.
Teacher gesture
The body language & the facial expression of the teacher should be pleasant, relevant to explain the concepts & make teaching a live experience. It should be varied time to time & according to the need.
Change in interaction style
The class room interaction pattern must be changed constantly to make the class lively and everybody participate in the learning process. There may be four types of interaction pattern:
a)      Teacher to whole class
b)      Teacher to group of students
c)       Teacher to individual student
d)      Student to student
Change in speech pattern
The teacher should vary his speech pattern depending on the relevance of the concept & to break monotony of the class. It also helps in gaining & maintaining students attention & in reflecting the importance of the concept being expressed. The following three speech pattern may be used for this purpose:a)      Pausing
b)      Low pitch, c)       High pitch

Oral – visual switching

According to the need of the topic, it becomes necessary to shift sensory channels of students. It can be done in the following ways:
a)      Verbal to visual
b)      Verbal to verbal-visual
c)       Visual to verbal
d)      Visual to verbal-visual
Pupil activity
Students should be involved in organizing activity based learning.
Focusing implies drawing the attention of the learners towards a particular point which the teacher wishes to emphasize. Such technique involves verbal focusing, gestural focusing, or verbal-gestural focusing.

4.      Skill of reinforcement  Reinforcement is a skill which a teacher uses to increase the frequency of positive or desirable behavior of the learner or to decrease the negative or undesirable behavior of the learner.
         Attract & retain attention of the class
         Encourage pupils for positive behavior
         Discourage pupils for negative behavior
         Increase students confidence level
Components of reinforcement skill
a)      Positive – repeating students answer & praising them
b)      Negative – scolding & telling students to improve
a)      Positive – Smile, positive head movement etc.
b)      Negative – anger, negative head movement etc.
Contact reinforcement
Patting the back, hand shaking & putting hands on the students head.
Proximity reinforcement
Going nearer to the pupils & making them more involved & interested in learning
Activity reinforcement
Giving a task, a project, home work, assignment, etc.
Token reinforcement
Awarding marks, grades, good, excellent, etc. on pupils note book.
Inappropriate use of reinforcement
This is the situation when the teacher does not encourage the pupil with respect to quality of his response. He uses same type of comment for every response.
Denial reinforcement
This is the situation, where the teacher does not give reinforcement when the situation is demanding encouragement.
 Skill of using Blackboard
BB is one of the most important tools in classroom teaching. Effective use of BB increases the effectiveness of teaching. The BB serves the following purposes:
         Effective visual aid
         Provides clarity in understanding concepts
         Draws attention of students at relevant points
         Presents holistic picture of the content
Components of BB use skill
Legibility of hand writing
         Distinct difference between letters
         Adequate space between letters
         Adequate space between words
         Slant of the letter nearly vertical
         All letters of the same size
         Size of the letters large enough to be read
         Thickness of the line uniform
·                     Adequate spacing between lines
·                     Lines parallel to the base of the black board
·                     No over writing
·                     Focusing the relevant matter
·                     Continuity in the points
·                     Simplicity
·                     Proper use of color chalk
·                     Appropriate presentation of illustrations and diagrams
·                     Underlining only the important points
Organization of black board work
·                     Systematic planning of space
·                     Spacing to exhibit the sequence of the items being presented
·                     Adjustment of space for presenting related items in totality
Skill of Probing Question
            Probing questions are those which help the pupils to think in depth about the various aspects of the problem. By asking such questions again, the teacher makes the pupils more thoughtful. He enables the pupils to understand the subject deeply.
The components of this skill are:
When a pupil expresses his inability to answer some question in the class or his answer is incomplete, the teacher can ask such questions which prompt the pupils in solving the already asked questions.
Seeking Further Information
When the pupils answer correctly in the class but the teacher wants more information and further clarification from the learner by putting ‘how’ and ‘why’ of correct part the response.
When the teacher ask the same question from other pupil for comparison. This is known as Refocusing.
Redirecting Questions
Questions which are directed to more than one learner to answer are called redirected questions. 
Increasing Critical Awareness
This technique is used when the pupil’s response is correct. The teacher puts higher order questions to stimulate the pupil to think beyond what the pupil knows. This involves the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and sometimes ‘what’ type of questions on the point under discussion.

Elements of Verbal Communication Skills:
            Communication is a broad topic. It involves both non-verbal and verbal communication skills. The non-verbal communication skills are crucial and we talk about them often. But, today, let’s focus in on the verbal side of things from the perspective of a person actually speaking.
            How can we organize our thoughts about these verbal communication skills? It can help to break them down to their basic elements as we’ve done below.
Voice Tone
            Voice tone is so basic that it can come into play even when you’re not uttering words, per se. Even when you simply make a sigh or laugh, your voice tone modifies how it is likely to be interpreted. When you do use words, the tone in which you say them can make all the difference.
Voice Speed
            Speaking fast can convey an excited or agitated feel. Speaking slower can convey a steady, reliable feel. Speaking very slow can let someone know that you’re either bored or tired. If you’ve ever experienced someone speaking at a speed that is incongruent with the content of what they’re saying, you know how this can stand out.
Voice Volume
            Volume can range from a whisper to a scream and everything in between. A very quiet voice can represent that you are sharing something you don’t want overheard, that you are being mischievous or that you are depressed. A very loud voice can express great joy or terror.
            A humorous demonstration of the importance of using appropriate voice volume can be found in the skit below, in which Will Ferrell plays Jacob Silj, a man who was born with “voice immodulation,” a disorder that leaves him unable to modulate the volume of his voice.

            According to Wikipedia’s page on Language, there are an estimated 6000-7000 languages spoken in the world.

            Notice that it is only after focusing on some of the modifying verbal communication skills and contexts that we even arrive at a discussion of the actual words themselves. But make no mistake. The particular words you use do matter a great deal. As a verbal communicator, your words are your toolbox, your palette, your set of ingredients. The more broad and diverse your vocabulary, the more effective you can be in expressing yourself to others.
            Some people go as far as reading the dictionary to really flood themselves over time with new insight into vocabulary. But you also could consider things like using a word-a-day calendar or signing up for a word-a-day email to learn at a more slow and steady rate. At the very least, as you go about your day, if you hear a word that you don’t quite know, take a few seconds to look it up. Over time your vocabulary will gradually improve.

            Grammar is the set of rules for how words connect into phrases and phrases into sentences and so on. You could employ the most impressive vocabulary on earth, but if you put the words into an order incompatible with the rules of grammar, you will not sound very credible or convincing. And grammar varies from one language to another.

Note: Put a tick mark () against the appropriate mastery level of the teaching steps.
Score Value: Average = 1 Good = 2 Very Good = 3

Name of the Student-teacher:                                                        Duration: 20 Minutes

Teaching steps
Very Good



Stimulus variation


Fluency in communication



Range of score: 8 -24
Average                              Good                              Very Good
Interpretation of scores:
Average : 8
Good : 9 -16
Very Good : 17 -24

                                                                                                Signature of the Observer

A lesson plan is the systematic preparation done in a scientific manner. Effective and successful teaching mainly depends on perfect lesson planning. A lesson plan represents a single teaching unit meant for a class period. Generally a lesson plan is teacher’s mental and emotional visualization of classroom activities
Teaching Steps in Mini Teaching:
            Mini teaching is a small level   teaching with integration of teaching skills and teaching steps.( motivation ,presentation, interaction, reflection and summing up )
            This step is concerned with the task of preparing the students for receiving new knowledge. In preparation, nothing new is taught to students. Relevant to the topic in hand the teacher should make himself sure of what the pupils already know , by putting a few questions , based on the pupils previous knowledge. In general, with the help of this step, the teacher can check the students entering behavior before he starts teaching the lesson. Thus, testing previous knowledge, developing interest in the minds of students and maintaining curiosity of the students can be achieved with the help of this step.
The following activities involved in this step
·        The assumption about the previous knowledge of the students in relevance to the lesson
·        The testing of the previous knowledge
·        Utilizing the previous knowledge for introducing the lesson
·        Motivating thee students for studying the present lesson

      It is the key step and only through which the actual process of teaching is going to take place. Here the aims of the lesson should be stated clearly and the heading should be written on the blackboard. We have to provide situation for both the teacher and the students to participate in the process of teaching and learning. Our ultimate aim of the presentation is to make the concepts understandable to the students. Therefore simple language is used. Appropriate and specific examples and illustrations of the concepts will make the understanding better. The interest of the students on the subject matter should be maintained continuously by the way of asking questions from time to time in this stage. The teacher should carefully and skillfully arrange his material so that his pupils may clearly and readily grasp it. The teacher should make proper use of questions, charts, graphs, pictures, models and  other illustrative for demonstration and explanation.
At the end of each section a few questions concerning that section only should be asked to whether the pupils are now ready  for the acquisition of knew knowledge.

Interaction, reflection:      These are short questions put to the pupils to test their understanding of the concept after the explanation. The main purpose is simply to judge whether the pupils have understood or not. Asking questions (Interaction) and receiving answers(reflection)  among students.
Summing Up:
            This is the statement made at the end of the explanation. It includes the summary of all the main results of the explanation.
Note: Put a tick mark () against the appropriate mastery level of the teaching steps.
Score Value: Average = 1 Good = 2 Very Good = 3
Name of the Student-teacher:                                                      Duration: 20 Minutes

Teaching steps
Very Good




Summing up


Range of score: 5 -15
Average                              Good                              Very Good
Interpretation of scores:
Average : 5
Good : 6 -10
Very Good : 11 -15

                                                                                                Signature of the Observer
Mini teaching Dialogue
Name of the student teacher   : Kalai
Name of the observer              : subha
Name of the subject                : Computer Science
Class obtained                         : 11th Std
Topic chosen                           :  MS-Word
Date                                        : 12-11-2015
Duration                                  : 20 Mins
Good Morning mam
Good Morning Children
Ok.How is your mind today? Is it fresh?
Yes mam we are fresh today.
ok fine.Now lets enter into our topic.
yes mam.
Ok. 2 students please get up and tell me your name
Ok thank you sit down.
What I have written on the board children?
Names mam
ok. Good. These names are the combinations of what?
Alphabets mam.
Yes Good. Alphabets combined together and becomes what?
Yes.Words Combine and become What?
Yes.Sentence combine and become what?
Yes.Paragraph Combine and become what?
Yes.Essay combine and become what?
Yes Good children.
If you are going on writing this lesson or assignments daily what

ill happen?
Very tough mam.Hands will pain.
Yes. Ok If I say that bring a print out of a particular topic what will

u do..
We will type and take a print of that mam.
Good. For typing what you will do ?
Using word document mam
Yes. Good. Today we are going to see about word document.(Skill 1 )/Motivation
Yes mam
Word comes within MS-Office
MS-Office means a Software
Software means it which includes some component in it.
Ok mam.
In MS-Office we have some components in it.They are called
MS-Power Point
These  components are called as Applications.
Application Means what children?
No idea mam.
Its ok. Ill tell.
Application means something which is in -build.
It cannot be changed. We can only make use of it.
Any one tell me what is Application?
It cannot be changed. We can only make use of it.
Very Good sit down.
Now I will tell how to open word file.
Start button-All programs-ms word.
Yes mam.
After opening Ms-Word One window will open what is that?
Word Document mam.
Yes Good.
Word Document is also called as Word Processing Package.
Package means something with in it and it is fully secured.
Here in word we have some combinations in it. They are
To Create, To Edit, To View, To Save, To Print

Ok mam.
Ok more than this we ill see in our practical class children.
I will stop with this.
Ok mam.
I will just recall today class. Today we have seen about what?
Individual answer please.
About Word Document mam.
Good. Sit down.
what is Application?
Application means something which is in -build.
It cannot be changed. We can only make use of it.
Very good. Give a clap children.
Word document is also called as what?
Word Processing Package.(reflection)
Excellent. Sit down.
Have you all clear about today class.
Yes mam
Ok children copy down all these hints and read it for tomorrow.
Ok mam.
Ok Thank you children
Thank you mam.